Monday, February 12, 2007

In the middle of it all

This is the absolute wrong time for me to be blogging. Well according to the world, its the wrong time for me to be doing anything but studying. Yeah...two weeks to my life changing ISC examinations and I honestly couldnt care less. It's actually pretty sad, I used to be the hard working, guilty feeling, crying before exams sort. Today I just sit in front of my open books, try to work and when I cant I shut them and go on to something more living my life!
Exams mean nothing to me anymore, they are the most idiotic way of testing a child's knowledge and the fact that your whole life rides on just three weeks is amazing. Amazingly idiotic.


Nikhil said...

i couldn't agree more... rock on!

George said...

Ria! You're back into the bloggind world!! YAY! =)
And yea.. your post is so true. I hate the way exams are blown out of proportion. We go to school so we can get educated and go into the world with some knowledge.. its not a place to get tested, belted, fail and screw up your chances at getting a good job coz of it. Its stupid. And sad..