Saturday, March 17, 2007


Is it the hardest thing thats ever happened to me? well no..not really..but its hard to accept the fact that you arent good enough. There's a constant feeling in the back of my mind that I'm not. But then there's another voice that says wait for the rest of your replies..but I prefer not to think about it..prefer to be in a little cloud of false hope.
False..being the key word here. What bothers me te most is that I didnt cut it. Like in so many other things in life. I didnt make it and it sucks..thats all!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Time heals all wounds?

I realised how absolutley self involved I am. There have been so many indicators on so many different occasions and I just didnt figure it out. Until today.
Sure I could easily blame my not being around on my exams..." I had to study" or "I'm studying" or "I think I should study" have become phrases which I use way too often on people that I care about way too much. It's surprising how my friends and family actually take all the bullshit and let it go just because they love me..I really dont see why they do it but I'm just thankful that they do.
Why do we need a life changing experience to be happy with what we have? Why do we need something drastic to happen before we realise the worth of what we have and who we love?
I've asked my self this a million times before and never found an answer.
I discovered that maybe it's because we're too self involved and obessed with our own lives to look around us and realise that we've got it good. I finally see that I've got it good. Better than good. With the hitches and the flaws and the road blocks .
And the reason for this is solely the people that make me who I am. People who I've neglected and forgotten to nurture. People who I've made promises to that I've never kept. People who are no longer here to forgive me for promising to be around but never actually being AROUND.

I'm sorry, for letting you go, leaving your side when you needed me the most. I'm sorry for letting you down and leaving you behind. I'm sorry for dumping my problems on you and never asking what bothered you. I'm sorry I let time fly past us, leaving us furthur apart than we've ever been before. I'm sorry I wasnt there and no excuse can change that.

This post is to all the people that have been there for me. This post is to my friends, my family and to the people that I've taken for granted. I love you. Thank you.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Crystal Clear

Crash, broken pieces everywhere,

Pick them up, glue them back,

But they’ll never be the same,

The cracks remain,

The scars never heal,

Just fade away.